EDMAC Projects

EDMAC offers its experience in the field of infrastructure planning and design, urban design and master planning, architectural design, structural design, MEP (Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing) design, Interior design, Landscape design, Geo-technical investigation, Project Management Consultancy etc.

EDMAC has a dedicated team of professional staff with state-of-art knowledge of international standards which provide Feasibility Study, Techno-Economic Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Design, Environmental Impact Assessment Studies, Social Impact Assessment Studies, Pre-Feasibility Studies, Independent Engineering, Construction Supervision, Quality Control, Operation and Maintenance, Contract Documentation, Bid Process Management, Technical Audit etc. in developing Infrastructure Projects i.e. Highways, Bridges, Flyovers, ROBs, RUBs; Town Planning & Group Housing; Building Projects i.e. Commercial/ Industrial/ Educational/ Hotels/ Hospital/ Residential etc.; Villas and Interiors after understanding our Client’s needs and meeting their expectations, on time and within the budget.

Due to multi-disciplinary capability, EDMAC can offer fully-integrated delivery teams to local and global clients. We have a strong commitment to local business development and sustainability in all of the countries where we operate. With a proven track record of major delivery for our clients, EDMAC has established a world-class client base and enjoys a high level of repeat business by the leading private and public sector organizations and major multi and bilateral international financial institutions.

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